Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My name

Hey people of the world.. or people who have internet.. or people who opened this by accident.. this blog was made for my tests… computer test.. and it has to be about the gifts from god.. so just get prepared to listen to this.. but actually if u think about it, it’s not actually hard talking about this topic.. because you always receive this.. if I cant make a blog about gods blessings or gifts I woud be kinda weird because my name is Theodore which actually means Gods gift.. my parents gave me this name.. there is actually a story behind my name..

I got it because they thought I was actually gods gift.. heres the story.. so my mom and dad were in London and they just bore my sister.. she is 1 and a half years older than me.. so my mom became pregnant of me just six years after my sister.. they actually wanted another child but not so fast and they didn’t actually decide to have a baby because they already had 2 girls and they were afraid of having another girl.. but I just came out.. and they were so relieved when I was actually a boy.. wooo.. great story right( not really) haha.. so that was my parents gift from god… me..

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