Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Just give thanks

Hey people of the world.. or people who have internet.. or people who opened this by accident.. FINALLY my last post.. so I will make this a special one.. have you ever thought and compared the difference of the world from 10 years ago and now.. almost everyone says bad words not like ten years ago.. and everything you here now is probably global warming.. but from my prespective.. the whole world is up to god.. who lives, dies, gets hurt, saved, slaved, rich, poor. Everything is from god.. even if the world ends its up to god.. just take everything god has given to you and say thanks for it and just die.. because god has things planned for us. So if the world comes to an end god did that.. I don’t mean blame god.. I mean that it is just our fault.. because we destroy him by making sins and stuff.. so all you can do is just give thanks and live your life..

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